Today In The Fishroom~3/27/11 P. coatzacoalcos breeding

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Today In The Fishroom~3/27/11 P. coatzacoalcos breeding

Poslaťod Aquamojo » Pon 28. Mar 2011 11:32:53

A couple weeks ago I noticed that my normally blue P. coatza's were changing colors. The male more intense blue and the female a gray-brown. This particular tank has three of the fish...two females and one male...a "mix" of gender that I have had luck with to stimulate breeding.

Pred pár týždňami som si všimol, že moje normálne modré P. coatza menia farbu. Samci na intenzívnejšiu modrú a samice na sivo-hnedú. Táto nádrž má tri tieto ryby, dve samice a samca... mix pohlaví, s ktorým som mal štasťie pri pokusoch o párenie.

Coincidentally I have the fish in two other tanks. Both with male and female. In one tank I have T. wesseli as well...and in the other I have juvenile A. hogaboomorum. This is the only tank where they are sole occupants...and the first to breed.
Zhodou okolností mám tieto ryby aj v dvoch ďalších nádržiach, v oboch samce aj samice. V jednej nádrži mám tiež P. wesseli...a v tej druhej mám mladé A. hogabomoorum. Toto je jediná nádrž, kde sú jedinými obyvateľmi- a tiež prvá, v ktorej došlo k výteru.
Here's the male slipping closely into the dominant breeding coloration.
Tu je samec obliekajúci sa do dominantného výterového sfarbenia.

I spoke with Juan Miguel from the CRC. He told me that in the wild, both fish will turn yellow. This certainly is the case for the female....maybe not exactly, and not necessarily all of the time.
Rozprával som s Juanom Miguelom z CRC. Povedal mi, že v divočine sa obe ryby nakoniec sfarbia na žlto. TO je aj prípad mojej samice...možno nie úplne, a nie vždy.


Interesting to note that the male did not turn yellow. I have noticed that when younger fish breed one or both of the species can't seem to follow the playbook exactly. These are very small fish...babies having babies actually.


One interesting thing of note about the color changes. Chromatophores under the the skin are broken into subclasses of varying colors...yellow, red, white plus those that are reflective/irredescent. Melanosphores cover the black and brown. The animal (fish in this case) turn these cells on and off to change color...rapidly in some case.

The coatza male was the most impressive...going from a near blue to blue with light vertical bars...
Jedna zaujímavá vec o zmenách farieb. Chromatofóry pod kožou sa delia na subtriedy rôznych farieb- žltá, červená, biela plus tie , ktoré sú reflexné/žiariace. Melanospóry zahŕňajú čiernu a hnedú. Zviera (v tomto prípade ryba) tieto bunky "zapína" a vypína a tým mení farbu...niekedy veľmi rýchlo.
Obrázok a lighter version with much more pronounced vertical bars. svetlejšiu verziu s oveľa vyznačenejším vertikálnym pruhovaním.

The female stayed very close to coloration. Both fish would become more intense whenever I was able to lure them within...or the other female...close to the breeding area.
Sfarbenie samice sa veľmi nezmenilo. Obe ryby sa sfarbujú intenzívnejšie vždy keď sa mi ich podarilo naláklať ku miestu trenia.

For the most part the male remained hidden on the other side of the tank. When he did near the breeding area the male and female worked in unison guarding and leaving the area. Here she is hot on his caudal tale getting back to the kids.
Po v´čšinu času zostal samec skrytý na druhej strane nádrže. Ak sa priblížil k miestu výteru, spolupracovali samec aj samica spoločne pri strážení aj "obchôdzkach". Na tejto snímke je samcovi hneˇ%d za chvostom, trieliac späť k detičkám
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Registrovaný: Ned 27. Dec 2009 12:54:44
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Re: Today In The Fishroom~3/27/11 P. coatzacoalcos breeding

Poslaťod stiff » Pon 28. Mar 2011 12:47:14

Ahoj MO,

Sú to krásne ryby :yes , veľmi sa mi podobajú na P. zonatus... Aký je vlastne rozdiel medzi coatza a zonatus?

Hey MO,
those are beautiful fish :yes , they are very similar to P. zonatus. What exactly is the diferrence between coatza and zonatus?
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Registrovaný: Ned 23. Aug 2009 20:30:24
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